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Pricing is Based on Total Finished Square Footage


3 Packages Listed Below

Still Photos and Photo Tour for MLS


Up to 1000 Sq Ft - $150
1001 - 1500 S
q Ft - $165
1501 - 2000 Sq Ft - $175
2001 - 2500 Sq Ft - $185
2501 - 3000 Sq Ft - $195
3001 - 3500 Sq Ft - $205
3501 - 4000 Sq Ft - $215
4001 - 4500 Sq Ft - $235
4501 - 5000 Sq Ft - $255
5001 - 5500 Sq Ft - $275
5501 - 6000 Sq Ft - $295
6001 - 6500 Sq Ft - $315



3D Matterport Tour Only (add $30 for Matterport Floor Plans)

Storage Fees for Matterport Tours - $1 per tour per month

Up to 1000 Sq Ft - $125
1001 - 2000 Sq Ft - $145
2001 - 3000 Sq Ft - $165
3001 - 4000 Sq Ft - $185
4001 - 5000 Sq Ft - $205
5001 - 6000 Sq Ft - $225
6001 - 7000 Sq Ft - $235




Still Photos, MLS Photo Tour, 3D Matterport Tour and Matterport Floor Plans

Up to 1000 Sq Ft - $275
1001 - 1500 Sq Ft - $295
1501 - 2000 Sq Ft - $325
2001 - 2500 Sq Ft - $345
2501 - 3000 Sq Ft - $365
3001 - 3500 Sq Ft - $385
3501 - 4000 Sq Ft - $425
4001 - 4500 Sq Ft - $445
4501 - 5000 Sq Ft - $465
5001 - 5500 Sq Ft - $485
5501 - 6000 Sq Ft - $500
6001 - 6500 Sq Ft - $535
6501 - 7000 Sq Ft - $565
7001 - 7500 Sq Ft - $595




 $20 per photo




These plans come from Cubicasa

YOU must double check their measurements


up to 4500 Sq Ft - $45

4500 - 7500 Sq Ft - $75




Every shoot is taken during daylight hours
(east facing homes should be taken in the morning
and west facing in the afternoon).

I will send an email (typically that same day/evening)
with both the photo tour link and image download links.


The "Download Center"

contains every image in 4 DIFFERENT SIZES.


REMOVE THE CHECK MARKS (blue box with white check mark)
next to the other sized images or 
you will download every image 4 times. 



















Number of photos typically range from 30-40 images
(depending upon finished square feet).

Shoots may take anywhere from 2
-4 hours depending
upon square footage.

An additional hour (or so) will be spent on post-production.

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